Is sparkling water bad for your teeth enamel? - Soda Sparkle

Is sparkling water bad for your teeth enamel?

Is sparkling water bad for your teeth enamel?

We’ve all heard rumours that drinking sparkling water (sometimes known as ‘seltzer’) could be damaging to our teeth enamel. This was a big concern for sparkling water lovers, but several recent studies have found this is not true: although sparkling water is more acidic than still water, it doesn’t present a risk to your enamel or oral health when consumed in moderation. What great news!

However, if you’re adding flavours or sugar this can contribute to the erosion of enamel and should be avoided or minimised. Read more here

Also, drinking plain sparkling water is technically as hydrating as water (and not as bad as soda), so add a glass or two of sparkled water to your day to break the monotony of plain water and enjoy the health benefits!

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